
Welcome to Glamour Advice blog, your number one source for all things such as fashion, beauty, health, lifestyle. Glamour Advice is dedicated to giving you the very best of tips and ideas with a focus on current updates and trends in fashion, beauty, lifestyle and health. It is understandable that there are different decisions to be made. At this age of information, there is so much everywhere that it is difficult to comprehend which information is genuine, and so “glamour advice” is motivated to curate the tried and tested information that will help you choose what is the best for you.

About the blogger

Sarah Martinez has come a long way from its beginnings and passion for the state of the art techniques and tips to present to the women out there. She is a full-time blogger with an expert certification in the trend forecast. She is also a copywriter and a blogger that understands the daily challenges of a woman and aspires to provide all the answers to the questions at its right time.

My motivation

When i first started, the passion for trend reading, understanding markets, and doing behavior analysis drove the author to do intense research and quit my day job, which gave me the impetus to turn hard work and inspiration into a booming online source of inspiration for many like me. now i write about fashion, health, lifestyle, dressing styles, some go-to makeover, and products that readers like you want all over the globe, and so she is thrilled to be a part of the writer’s community as a wing of the fashion and well-being industry.

Let’s talk

i hope you enjoy my blog. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me.